Progress Update: 8/8/20

Hello again. We have a few things to talk about!

First, however, I’d like to once again thank our lead modeler and animator, Syndikit (Formerly known as Empty Space Studios) for the beautiful concept artwork.

Going back to the main topic at hand, I would like to clear up a few questions and concerns about our seemingly non-existent schedule. To be frank, the past few days have not been enough time to make any significant progress on any of the features of the game, hence why there is no video devlog this Saturday, however, there have been a few bug fixes here and there with both new and old features such as player movement and enemy AI. Starting next Saturday, however, our normal schedule will be able to continue forward and video develogs will be release as originally planned every week.

The plan for next week, once everything is polished and bug tested, is to start working on blocking out the first official tutorial level for our game! This is a huge step forward for us and I am super excited to start.

Thank you for being patient with us, I for one appreciate it.

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